Smolov Squat Program Calculator

Enter Your Squat 1RM


Smolov Calculator: Your Intense Squat Program Generator

Welcome to the Smolov Calculator, your gateway to one of the most challenging and effective squat programs in strength training! Whether you're an intermediate lifter looking to break through a plateau or an advanced athlete aiming for new personal records, our app creates a customized 4-week Smolov base mesocycle program tailored just for you.

What is Smolov?

Smolov is a high-intensity, high-volume squat program developed by Sergey Smolov, a renowned Russian strength coach. Known for its brutal effectiveness, Smolov has helped countless lifters achieve remarkable strength gains in a short period.

How Our App Works

  1. Input Your Stats: Simply enter your current 1 rep max (1RM) for squat.
  2. Get Your Program: With a click of a button, our app generates a complete 4-week Smolov base mesocycle program customized to your strength level.
  3. View Your Workouts: Navigate through each week to see your daily workouts. Every training day includes specific sets, reps, and weights calculated just for you.
  4. Download for Easy Reference: Export your entire program to an Excel file, making it easy to track your progress at the gym or share with your coach.

What Makes Smolov Special?

  • High Intensity: Train with heavy weights multiple times per week for rapid strength gains.
  • High Volume: Experience an unprecedented amount of squat volume to drive progress.
  • Focused Approach: Concentrates solely on improving your squat, making it ideal for specialized training phases.
  • Proven Results: Many lifters report significant increases in their squat 1RM after completing the program.

Who Can Benefit?

  • Intermediate Lifters: Break through plateaus with this intense, focused approach.
  • Advanced Athletes: Push your limits and achieve new personal records.
  • Powerlifters: Ideal for a pre-competition peaking phase to maximize your squat performance.

Ready to experience the intensity of Smolov training? Input your squat 1RM now and get your personalized program in seconds! Remember, this is a demanding program. Ensure you're well-rested, well-fed, and ready for the challenge. Happy lifting!

Smolov Program Methodology

Understanding the science behind Smolov will help you appreciate the program's effectiveness:

  1. Base Mesocycle: The 4-week program we generate is the Smolov base mesocycle, which serves as the foundation for strength gains.
  2. Frequency: You'll be squatting 4 times per week, allowing for frequent practice and adaptation.
  3. Volume Progression: The program manipulates volume throughout the cycle:
    • Week 1: 4 sessions of 9 sets of 7 reps at 70% of 1RM
    • Week 2: 4 sessions of 8 sets of 5 reps at 75% of 1RM
    • Week 3: 4 sessions of 7 sets of 3 reps at 80% of 1RM
    • Week 4: 4 sessions of 10 sets of 3 reps at 85% of 1RM
  4. Intensity Progression: As the weeks progress, the weight increases while the reps decrease, peaking at 85% of your 1RM in the final week.
  5. Overreaching: The program intentionally overreaches, pushing your body to adapt to high stress levels.
  6. Specificity: By focusing solely on the squat, the program maximizes skill acquisition and strength gains in this lift.
  7. Recovery Emphasis: Due to the high demands of the program, proper recovery (nutrition, sleep, stress management) is crucial.
  8. Psychological Toughness: The high volume and frequency build mental resilience, preparing you for the demands of heavy lifting.

Note: The Smolov base mesocycle is typically followed by a switching phase and an intense cycle. Our calculator focuses on the base mesocycle, which can be run as a standalone program or as part of the full Smolov suite.